Friday, 12 August 2011

What I want to achieve

I am working on the models and filming them...
I am trying to work out a way to show them and show the demolition in a beautiful way, trying to work out the aesthetic of decay and destruction.

a few questions that I want to work on...

What makes it "beautiful"?
How can destruction look beautiful?
What lighting is best to use?
What angles should I film from?
How do i present the model in its best way?

...what I am not sure about...
....the spaceships: not quite sure if they go very well with the buildings and with the idea of an aesthetic demolition?
...if the different ways to destroy the buildings can be linked together? I am going to make it look like one happening?

Monday, 8 August 2011

Journal Entry 5: 26th of July

IDEA behind these little models: creating spaceships for demolition....

....with materials, models and props

the IDEA is:

to build a few models out of different materials that would then be destroyed in different ways,
so far I have got....
  • Model 1: paper --> destroyed with water+explosion with firecrackers
  • Model 2: cardboard --> destroyed by fire and sand
  • Model 3: cast--> model being trampled down ( from spaceship)
PLUS: the story is about buildings that are being destroyed with the forces of nature; fire, water and earth are obvious, as the model is put on fire, collapses because of water and earth and the air bit is the explosion... only show first experiments, not final models!

Journal Entry 4: 19th of July


.............................................................the end


Answering the questions....

Films that I have been looking at:

  • Armageddon
  • Deep Impact
  • 2012
  • The day after tomorrow
  • The day the earth stood still
  • Mars attacks
  • World Invasion
Armageddon and Deep Impact are similar, they are both science-fiction disaster-dramas, in both films the threat is a gigantic asteroid that is on a collision course with Earth;
both stories need heroes, in one case it is a crew that is supposed to destroy the asteroid, in the other it is more dramatic as the hero is not willing to survive without his girlfriend...
in the end one of the main figures of the story dies in both films, the real heroes....
Interesting fact: what makes Deep Impact a little different is that the government decides to build a refugee shelter for 1 million people, 200,000 people are already selected: scientists, teachers, soldiers, people to build a new government...and 800,000 can win a lottery to get a place as well...only if they are 50 or under though!

threat: the temperature of the earth´s core is increasing
same as in Deep Impact, a certain amount of people is chosen to board arks that are build to rescue them; additional to this tickets are also being sold for those arks for the wealthy private sector, as one ticket costs 1 billion euros per person;
there is one person who knows what is going to happen, strangely behaving,trapped from the world outside...of course none is listening to him...
those who know of the threat,scientists, and wanted to tell the public were murdered...always trying to give the appearance that everything is alright.

The day the earth stood still and World Invasion are more of a sci-fi story than the others;
we get to see spaceships, mysterious objects and robots, loads of special effects, loads of technical inventions;
aliens want to take over Earth and destroy humankind; always try to save humans, evacuation of civilians;


  • films deal with what humans are scared of, especially things that can not be controlled anymore such as natural disasters
  • additional scare-factor: a threat that we do not know: a threat from another planet; natural disasters are in some way still "understanable" while something coming from another world is so alien to humans that it simply has to be scary
  • there is always someone who knows about the threat, who knows the facts, but either is not allowed to tell the people, or nobody believes him
  • loads of special effects: most exciting to me: cities, buildings being destroyed

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Journal Entry 3: 12th of July

As I had decided to make a film, I started to focus a bit more on the editing programs ( as this is what I was scared of the most).

Step by step I started to look more and more into film.
In my previous research I started looking into films that deal with the demolition and destruction of buildings, or actually entire cities. Two examples I watched were "2012" and "The day after tomorrow".
Now what I tried to do is to explore that topic a little more...
Due to what I have watched and looked at for me the main reasons for demolitions in films are either natural disasters or attacks from aliens.
A few questions that I was working on for my research:
What films are relevant?
What is the story?
How is the demolition shown?
What happens?
How do buildings demolish?
What colours are used?
What sound is used?
What makes it exciting to watch?

Journal Entry 2: 5th of July

I kept thinking why I had chosen that very topic at and for that particular site and what excited me about it. In between I already wanted to give up, felt like it all did not make sense. I kept thinking about the same things, going back to the same ideas… Then during my first week at home I got very sick and had to take strong antibiotics. Maybe that helped to change my perspective as well… J

I had a very high fever and in combination with the medicine felt a bit like out of space. Because I could not stand being inside anymore I just left the house, for some weird reason took my camera with me, don´t ask me why…I looked really bad, really weak and nodded a lot of weird looks people gave me…haha Vienna is very uptight…anyways I was only looking on the ground coz I could not be bothered lifting my head, way to exhausting…and then…there it was…one again: DECAY. Building after building, the concrete, cracking, breaking at the edges. And it hit me why I had chosen that topic, because it is everywhere and it has a certain beauty, something interesting that can be shown. I kept walking, not far from where I live are the so called Sophiensääle, a place where once proms were taking place….now a ruin, so beautiful though it is destroyed ( due to a fire). Viennese people looked at me strangely, homeless looking girl with her camera, obsessed with a ruin….why are people always scared of what they do not know?

Monday, 25 July 2011

WEEKLY JOURNAL: Journal entry 1: 28th of June

...back to my project...

...asking myself...

What was I looking at?
What excited me about my topic?
Why does the final outcome not reflect my intentions?
What was missing?

...consider the marking criteria:
  • Research
  • Analysis
  • Subject Knowledge
  • Experimentation
  • Technical Competence
  • Communication and Presentation
  • Personal and professional development
  • Collaborative and/or independent professional working
...I had the feeling that I was stuck with my idea, I had found something I liked, something that excited me but not a way to work with it.
I am trying to go back to the beginning.
I am trying to see my project from a different angle...trying to think more in the way of the platform, through film...

...some videos that I liked...

experimenting with music, the idea of an entropic music, as seen before in a project of Cyprien Gaillard; adding music

I thought it is an intresting way how it is filmed, it is very clear what it is about...sometimes just putting one image after the other one immediately gets the idea of decay...